Science & Research

Read relevant Studies and Publications about EMF radiations and its risks

Magda Havas EMF research, How radiation from wireless technology affects | Einstein Brain

Dr Magda Havas

How radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system


WHO study EMF Carciogenic Classification, EMF radiation | Einstein Brain


WHO Report on the classification of Electrosmog


EMF research | Henry Lai | Magnetic-Field-Induced DNA Strand Breaks in Brain Cells of the Rat | Einstein Brain

Henry Lai - Narendra Pal Singh

Magnetic-Field-Induced DNA Strand Breaks in Brain Cells of the Rat


Nick Bilton | The New York Times | Risks of EMF | The Health Concerns in Wearable Tech | Einstein Brain

The New York Times

The Health Concerns in Wearable Tech from Tim Robinson by Nick Bilton


European Commission

Research into the impact of electromagnetic fields and mobile telephones on health

Electromagnetics Science and Technology

Research about Wireless LAN’s in school rooms

Einstein Brain | EMF Radiation | Influence of microwave exposure on fertility of male rats

American Society for Reproductive Medicine

Influence of microwave exposure on fertility of male rats.

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Ashok Agarwal - Effects of EMF radiation on male fertility

Ashok Agarwal - Effects of EMF radiation on male fertility

Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) from cellular phones on human ejaculated semen

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Ashok Agarwal, Aspinder Singh - Cell Phones and Male Infertility

Ashok Agarwal, Aspinder Singh - Cell Phones and Male Infertility

A Review of Recent Innovations in Technology and Consequences related to EMF Radiations

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Dr. Om P Ghandi - IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans

Dr. Om P Ghandi - IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans

An extensive study measuring the effects of EMF radiation on adults and children

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Hardell Study – Cell Phone And Brain Cancer

Hardell Study – Cell Phone And Brain Cancer

Numerous researches linking EMF radiations to brain and thyroid cancer

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Sanjay Kumar & Jitendra Behari - Mobile Phone usage and mobile infertility in Winstar Rats

Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Sanjay Kumar & Jitendra Behari

Mobile Phone usage and mobile infertility in Winstar Rats

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Tamir S Aldad and Hugh S Taylor - Radiation affects behaviour

Tamir S Aldad, Hugh S Taylor - Radiation affects behaviour

How fetal radiation exposure from 800-1900Mhz-Rated Cellular Telephones affects brain and behaviour development in mice

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Vini Khurana, Michael Kundi, Lennart Hardell, Charles Teo - Cell Phone and Brain Cancer

Vini Khurana, Michael Kundi, Lennart Hardell, Charles Teo

Research into the connection between Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

Einstein Brain | EMF Research | Dr. Om P Ghandi - IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans

ITIS Foundation

B-Field Exposure From Induction Cooking Appliances

The importance of science

By reading scientific publications, research documents and articles we can educate ourselves to understand the risks of EMF radiation.
Once we have the right information and we have evaluated the possible outcomes we can make the best decisions for us and our families.

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