Einstein Brain - Valentine's Day Game - Part 1

Hi Genius,
Welcome to our “This Is How You Sleep” Quiz.

At Einstein Brain, your health matters.

In the next few days, you will receive a series of educational emails (2 x Content + 1 x Quiz).
Do not miss out and, make sure you open them.

If you play this game right, you not only will understand the importance of sleep, but you will know exactly how to reach better quality sleep. And on top of that, you will have the chance to win an Einstein Brain EMF Protection Card.

What is a better way to learn, if not by having fun and winning a prize for free?
And… Because we care, all participants win! Nobody loses.

Only the winner will take the Einstein Brain card home, but all participants will win a €25 voucher that can be used to purchase any product on our website.

Einstein Brain | Quiz Time

Game Rules:

1 – The game will take place on a web page, so you must click the button in all 3 emails.

2 – The quiz prep content is only available for 48h. Make sure you click the button in our emails to visit the landing page to view the content.

3 – Study the materials, take notes and learn as much as you can.

4 – The 3rd email will be your Quiz. Click the button in the email to start playing.

5 – Fill in your details in the Quiz when you receive Part 4 of the game. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN CONTACT YOU FOR THE PRIZE.

6 – If you get it all right, you will have the chance to win an Einstein Brain EMF Protection Card for FREE.

7 – If you don’t get all the answers right, you will still be rewarded for your participation with a 25€ voucher to use on our website.

8 – Have fun & learn more!